Wednesday, 12-Mar-2025 12:13:15 EDT

#1575 Illinois Terminal class B

In second level train yard
Built - 1918(1910?) by Illinois Terminal Railroad in Decatur Il
Boxcab locomotive, ran until 1963
34' long by 9'3" wide, 13' height, 4'8.5" guage
Weights 120,000lbs
GE M controller with four GE 69C motors, 300 HP total
14EL air brakes, (2) D4P compressors
Alco RM63B trucks
Engine runs on 600VDC
Cast underframe
Has all electrial internals
Originally Illinois Traction System #1575 (1910-1928), then Illinois Terminal #1575 (1928-1959), St. Louis Car Company #9 (1959-1963)

Donated to MOT in 1963 by St Louis car Division of General Steel Industries.


  Last modified: Thursday, 12-Oct-2023 09:54:58 EDT


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