1919 Ford Model TT

The Model TT was a one-ton truck that derived from a Model T car chassis, it utilized a stronger frame, heavier rear axle, and the addition of two rear springs.  The truck debuted in 1917 selling for $600.00.  Ford only sold the engine and the chassis leaving it up to the byer to either custom colplete the truck cab and body themselves or pya a coach builder to finish it for them.

By the 1920's Ford added a option of a cab, which cost another $45-$65

The versatility of the TT made it useful to farmers, merchants, fire trucks, dump trucks, and passenger vehicles.  By 1928 1.3 million Ford Model TTs had been sold.

This truck arrived at the museum in 1997 in several crates. A team of dedicated volunteers re-assembled and restored it.



Engine Type: 4 cylinder

Horspower: 20

Displacement: 176.7 Cubic inches

Price New: $550.00

Built in: Detroit, MI


Donated to Museum Of Transportation in 1997 by William Englebrecht.

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This document last modified Monday, November 21, 2022 07:59:23 PM EST