Iron Spike and Arborway T.T. & Northwestern bus trip - 9/30/17
On September 30 the Chapter, along with the Gateway Division NMRA, visited Iron Spike Model Railroad Museum, Washington, MO and Arborway, TT & Northwestern near Steelville, Mo.
The Iron Spike Model Railroad Museum, located in Washington, MO, allows you and your family to learn more about the science, technology and history of trains. While your family is learning about the history of railroads you will also have the opportunity to run the model trains! They also have a huge room with several model railroad layouts on display

The Arborway, TT & Northwestern Miniature Railroad is located near Steelville, Missouri. The ATT&NW is considered a "Grand Scale" railroad. The rails are spaced 15" apart, and everything is about a third actual size, but the technology and engineering are the same as "real" railroads. This was the "open house" weekend for the ATT&NW, which is not normally open to the public. Their steam locomotive operated as well as any visiting equipment. The 15" gauge railway has about five miles of track, with 3.6 miles of mainline.
Iron Spike Model Railroad Museum - Gallery LinkArborway, TT & Northwestern - Gallery Link