TNMOT Motive Power (All Types)
Wednesday, March 12, 2025 07:22 AM MST

List of equipment. (by type)

Steam powered Engines

Diesel/Gas powered Engines

Electric powered Engines

List of equipment.

Alton & Southern #12 - 3 cyl 0-8-0

American Steel Foundries #8 - Whitchomb 1948

Amtrak #4916 - GG1 PRR, 1942

Arkansas & Missouri Railroad #22 - Alco

Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe #5011 (AT&SF) - Baldwin 2-10-4, 1944

Baltimore & Ohio #1 (B&O) - Alco GE

Baltimore & Ohio #50 (B&O) - EMC 1935

Baltimore & Ohio #173 - (B&O) Camelback 4-6-0, 1873

Black Diamond - Inspection Locomotive, Reading Railroad, 2-2-2, 1889

Boston & Albany #39 - "Marmora" "Eddy Clock domeless boiler 1876

Boston and Maine #1180 - Doodlebug, EMC 1926

Boston & Providence, Daniel Nason - 1858

Canadian National #5529 - 1906

Charles H #9 - Lake Street Elevated (Chicago), Forney 1893

Chesapeake & Ohio #2727 - Alco 1944

Chicago & Illinois Midland #551 (C&IM) Lima "F-4" Class 2-8-2 USRA Light Mikado

Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific #E-2 - Milwaukee - BiPolar, GE/1919

Chicago & North Western #1015 (C&IM) Atlantic

Chicago, Burlington & Quincy #9908 - Silver Charger, (CB&Q)

Chicago, Burlington & Quincy #9939 - E8 , (CB&Q)

Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific #3 - Aero Train , EMD 1955

Conrail #5677 - GP7, Central of New Jersey, EMD 1952

Daniel Nason - American 4-4-0, Boston & Providence 1858

Delware, Lackawanna & Western #952 , Alco 1905, Camelback

Duluth, Missabe & Iron Range #502, Baldwin 1918, 2-10-2 Santa Fe type

Eagle-Picher #1621 2-10-0 - St Louis - San Francisco (Frisco) Decapod

Erie Lackawanna #3607 - SD45 EMD 1967

EMD #103 - (Southern 6100)

General Electric #1 - E 30T Thompson-Huston 1892

General Moters #103 (Southern 6100) EMC 1939

Georgia #724 - 0-6-0 - Baldwin 1896

Great Northern Tender - xx

Illinois Central #764 - 2-8-0 - (IC) Alco 1904

Illinois Terminal #206 - (IT) Rail Bus

Illinois Terminal #1575 - (IC) Class B 1918

Illinois Terminal #1595 - (IT) Class C 1929

Italian Electric #500.025

Joplin Pittsburg #2003 -OE (Propane-E) 1936

Laclede Christy #2 - 0-4-0T - (30# guage) Davenport 1907

Lake Street Elevated #9 - 0-4-4T - Charles H, (Chicago), Forney 1893

Manufactures Railway #211 - S-2 ALCO 1948

Massachusetts Bay Area Transporation Authority #54 - RDC1, Budd 1954

Missouri-Kansas-Texas #311 - 4-4-0 American, (Katy) Baldwin/1890 Rebuilt 1923
   (see Pasenger Railroad cars for Katy Flyer)

Misouri Pacific #604 - (MoPac) Motorbus Fageol-Twin Coach 1947

Missouri Pacific #4502 - (MoPac) RS3 Alco 1955

National Cash Register #7 , Fireless steam storage locomotive 0-4-0F, (Fireless) - Lima/1910

New York Central #113 - (NYC) Alco-GE 1906

New York Central #2933 - (NYC) Mohawk, Alco-GE 1929

New York, Chicago and St. Louis #170 - (Nickel Plate Road) Alco 1927

Norfolk & Western #2156 - (N&W) Y6a N&W 1942

Panama Canal Locomotive #662 - GE, 1914

Pennsylvania #4700 - - P5 PRR, 1931

Pennsylvania #4918 Now Amtrak #4916 - GG1 PRR, 1942

Plymouth - 0-6-0 19xx

Reading "Black Diamond" - Inspection Locomotive, Reading Railroad, 2-2-2, 1889

Sabine River & Northern #408 - SC8 EMC 1937

Scullin Steel #95 - Baldwin, 6-wheel switcher Former Frisco #3695 0-6-0 - 1906

St Joe Minerals - Lead Miner - Goodman 1942

St Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern #635 - Baldwin 1889

St Louis San Francisco #99 - Frisco 0-6-0

St Louis San Francisco #1351 - (Frisco) , At Collierville TN in 2017

St Louis San Francisco #1522 - (Frisco) Mountain, Baldwin 1926

St Louis - San Francisco #1621 - (Frisco) Decapod

St Louis Water Division #1 - Whitcomb 1924

St Louis Water Division #2 - Plymouth (Fate-Root-Heath) Model WLG Mechanical drive; clutch and 4-speed transmission - 1930

Southern #960603 - FTB (converted to steam heater car)

Southern Pacfic #4460 - (SP) Daylight GS6, Lima 1943

South Park Fireless - 0-4-0

Terminal Railroad Association of St. Louis #146 - (TRRA) 0-6-0, Young Valve Gear, Chassis only, Alco 1916

Terminal Railroad Association of St. Louis #318 - (TRRA) 0-8-0, TRRA 1928

Union Electric #1 - Baldwin 1929

Union Electric #2 - Fireless Cooker, Heisler 1940

Union Pacific #844 - (UP) , In Baretts cut June 2 2011

Union Pacific #2804 - (UP) U28C, GE 1966

Union Pacific #4006 - (UP) Big Boy, Alco 1941

Union Pacific #6944 - (UP) DD40AX, EMD 1971

US Army Davenport #1149 - Davenport, 1954

US Army SW8 #2002 - EMD 1952

US Army MRS1 #2069 - GE-Alco 1953

US Navy 700440 - B-50 (from Boeing), GE 1942

Wabash #573 - 2-6-0, Rhode Island 1899

Winona & St. Peter #274 - 4-4-0, American 4-4-0, Baldwin 1873

Disposed Items

1522A Water Car - 1522A Water Car, 19xx

Central of New Jersey - GP7, Conrail #5677, EMD 1952

Minneapolis and St Louis #213 - Alco RS1 1946

National Cash Register #7 - (Fireless) Lima 1910
from National Cash Register in Dayton

UE #? given to the Permian Basin Railways (Rio Grande Scenic Railroad) and is now in Alamosa

US Army Fairbanks Morris #1844

MARC #66 - EMD E8 - Sold to Ed Ellis - 19??

USA #7765 - 20ton GM (now in Denver)

Last modified: Tuesday, July 18, 2023 08:30:54 PM EDT